bonella cards

From the knock-down drag-out world of religious prayer cards: plaintiff fails to establish trade dress in its catalog. Exhaustive discussion of analysis of trademark protection for the ‘look and feel’ of a catalog.

43(b)log discussion of Gerffert v Dean here.

gerffert trade dress in catalog.pdf

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huh. Plaintiff owns an incontestable registration for RUFFLEBUTTS for children’s apparel. It spots a suspicious order by defendant, who (allegedly) indicates that it is seeking to copy plaintiff’s business (see Complaint paras 21 to 28). Plaintiff’s RUFFLEBUTT product illustrated on top, defendant’s RUFFLE BUNS below it. I don’t know what the market looks like, but

Plaintiff claims trade dress in its traction hoist (used for things like moving window washing platforms). The trade dress claim was in:

1) a cube-shaped gear box with horizontal fins;

2) a cylindrical motor mounted in an off-set position on the cube and partially overhanging the edge of the cube:

3) the cylindrical motor including

There were two primary arguments against single color marks – the first was ‘color depletion theory’ and the other was ‘shade confusion theory: The gist of the color depletion theory was that there were only so many colors so taking even one out of circulation disadvantaged competitors. The shade confusion theory went to the

Manufacturer of Ped Egg, as seen on TV, sues alleged counterfeiter for trade dress.

Complaint Ped Egg Trade Dress(function() { var scribd = document.createElement(“script”); scribd.type = “text/javascript”; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = “”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();

Laughing in the face of death, Heart Attack Grill sues Heart Stoppers (both are burger restaurant) for infringing use of ‘high caloric food, medically themed’ burger. Both places offer quadruple burgers, have wait-staff wearing nurses uniforms, etc. Both places allow people over 350 to eat free. Heart Attack Grill seems to have only one location

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Design Within Reach, a retailer of designer furniture, used to promote itself as ‘The source for licensed classics,’ selling modern classics such as the Barcelona Chair and Eames Chair. This earned it a certain following but also a non-following who referred to it as ‘Design Out Of Reach.” This FastCompany article details its current finanical