PETA is running ads to draw attention to the level of pus in milk as a result of udder infections in cows. The California Milk Processor Board is complaining.
What Is This Thing Called Dilution?
More From The Canine Dilution Front
Further to our reporting on Chewy Vuitton and Juicy Critoure, on the way to work today I passed a STARBARKS grooming salon (where your pet is the star). And there was a GROOMNDALZ (changed from Groomingdale’s) near my old office.
Juicy Critoure?
Maybe LV has a point about CHEWY VUITTON. I saw an ad in the paper for JUICY CRITOURE, some sort of product for dogs, and didn’t know what to think. It seems that there really is such thing as JUICY COUTURE FOR DOGS (pictured). So what is JUICY CRITOURE? A typo? An infringement? A permissble…
TOP v. Fresh-Top Canister
Seventh Circuit: Use of “Fresh-Top Canister” on canister of ZIG-ZAG tobacco not even close to confusing or dilutive of TOP brand tobacco. The fact that the word TOP appears on tobacco packaging all the time was relevant to the dilution analysis.
Top Tobacco and Republic Tobacco v. North Atlantic Operating Company and National Tobacco Company…
This Is The Britney Spears Video LV Sued MTV Over
Blink and you miss the LV logo. There are some versions of “Do Something” on YouTube that seem to have the 1 second of LV footage edited out.
In-N-Out Burgers v. In & Out Tire & Auto
From our “cheap laugh from the name of the case” file:
In-n-Out Burgers v. In & Out Tire & Auto
Nevada District Court
– Trademark
Filed: November 20, 2007
Plaintiff: In-N-Out Burgers; Defendant: In & Out Tire & Auto, Inc.
Case Number: 2:2007cv01556
Las Vegas Trademark Attorney comments here.
Haute Diggity Dog (CHEWY VUITON) Affirmed – No Infringement, No Dilution
Text of Fourth Circuit Decision in Louis Vuitton v. Haute Diggity Dog here.
43(b)log commentary here.
Impressive (Free) Seminar at SCU on Dilution, Oct 5
Outstanding speaker list. What caught my eye was a presentation entitled “”How I Became Disillusioned with Trademark Dilution,” by some professor in the Bay Area named McCarthy.
mondonation v. britney spears
Counterfiet Chic: I Believe.
This Week in “Match Your Wits With Great Trademark Lawyers”
This week’s quiz:
A tour guide from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State files for BEST OF THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA for:
“Arranging travel tours; Coordinating travel arrangements for individuals and for groups; Organisation of travel; Organization of excursions, sightseeing tours, holidays, tours and travel; Organization of travel and boat trips; Providing links to web sites…