Citizen Media Law Project: Thoughts on the Jones Day-Block Shopper Settlement
Jones Day / BlockShopper Case Settles
Discussion of NY Times / Gatehouse Linking Settlement
Nieman Journalism Lab: Wrap-up NYT / Gatehouse (settlement of dispute re ability of Boston Globe to link to headlines of local papers). Ht Linsay Lavine. Banned In Turkey For Linking To Pirated Sports Transmissions “Digiturk Causes Turkish Ban of Blogger/Blogspot“:
Digiturk asked Blogger to take several blogs or blog entries down containing links to pirated transmissions of the live games. Blogger did nothing, Digiturk went to court and under Turkish intellectual property law, they managed to get Blogger banned completely, effectively banning millions of websites that
Dozier Internet Law Firm Sues Re Use of Firm Name ‘in HyperText Link” “Dozier Sues College Dropout for Trademark Infringement”:
Dozier alleges, “Riley is particularly fond of attacking law firms with whom he competes for the business of representing entrepreneurs and inventors in intellectual property negotiations.”
In Dozier’s case, the lawsuit contends, the Riley businesses have launched a Web page that contains twelve different instances in which
Sheboygan Woman Files ‘Landmark’ Case Over Web Links
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Sheboygan Women (sic) Files Landmark Case Over Web Links“:
Boyden said some companies require other Web sites to get permission to link to them, but he knew of no companies, much less a government body, that have tried to enforce violations of that condition if the links didn’t infringe on