SciFi becomes SyFy. HT PC.
Twitter Paid $6 For Its Bird Icon Twitter Paid Designer $6 For Its Icon
Blackwater To Rename Itself XE
. . . which is pronounced like the letter Z according to this news report.
Alternative Super Bowl Logos
Alternative Super Bowl logos via the NY Times.
Mimosa Yellow Is the Color of 2009
Fun, Simple Way To Police Multiple Brands On Twitter
Go to Tweetgrid.
Select the size grid corresponding to the number of terms you want to track (the maximum is nine).
Enter the brand name (or any other term you want to monitor on Twitter) into the search window, hit search. You will note in the window above that I added REPLICA to a…
Best and Worst Logos of 2008
Which list do you think the new WGN logo (right) was on? Brand New ranks logos.
Naming This Post “Same Great Taste” Would Have Been Inappropriate
Last year, small children ingested beads of toy named AQUA DOTS, which contained a substance similar to GHB, colloquially known as the date rape drug. The manufacturer has now re-branded AQUA DOTS as PIXOS.
Rainy Day Fun For Trademark Lawyers
Go to the Twitter Search Engine and put in your favorite trademarks as search terms, as well as such chestnuts as the word ‘replica.’ You will be shocked to learn that some people are using the Internets to promote counterfeit goods.
Pepsi Re-branding?
Brand New on Pepsi, Sierra Mist and Mountain Dew re-branding.