Tucker Carlson works for The Daily Caller. He is on the opposite side of the political spectrum from Keith Olbermann. The Daily Caller purchased the name KEITHOLBERMANN.COM. Yesterday it ran a story on it entitled “WE OWN YOU.” As of this writing, the lead story on KEITHOLBERMANN.COM is not about Keith Olbermann but about
Domain Names
Live Nude Domains: What I Said About .XXX In 2005
If ICM changed nothing about its intentions in the past five years, then I agree with myself: it’s a minor harm reduction model, not targeted at the largest societal issues with porn, but probably worth the experiment.
New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, v 4 and “An Economic Framework for the Analysis of gTLDs”
In anticipation of next week’s meeting in Brussels, ICANN has released a fourth draft of the Applicant Guidebook that describes the process of applying for new generic top level domains.
It has also released “An Economic Framemark for the Analysis of the Expansion of Generic Top-Level Domain Names” which concludes that either good and/or bad…
Can We Learn Anything From The .JOBS TLD?
.JOBS is a sponsored TLD. Wikipedia notes that:
The intended use of the domain jobs is for companies and organizations to register some version of their corporate names and use it for a site specifically aimed at those seeking employment with that company, as distinguished from general corporate and marketing sites in other
Applying For ‘Dot Brand’ TLDs
Most of you are familiar with ICANN’s new gTLD process. Many trademark owners are contemplating applying for top level domains reflecting their brands (“Dot Brands”).
Operating a gTLD registry will require expertise as well as an infrastructure that meets ICANN’s standards. Importantly, ICANN is evaluating its policy of registry-registrar separation. This could mean…
Not The Highest Probability UDRP, But It Appears To Have Worked
The UDRP only deals with cybersquatting in the second level domain of a gTLD, so the owner of the mark HOT RUSSIAN BRIDES will fail on the first prong of a UDRP against JIMSLIST.COM, even if the registrant uses the path name JIMSLIST.COM/AGENCIES/HOTRUSSIANBRIDES (and even if the UDRP panel believes that complainant has a perfectly…
What Didn’t Happen at the ICANN Meeting This Past Week?
ICANN didn’t accelarate the deadlines for applying for new TLDs. There still isn’t a set deadline. There probably won’t be a deadline set prior to the next open meeting in June. Stay tuned. More here.
Dot Comfort, Part One
The Internet Committee of the International Trademark Association started its work for the year yesterday by asking us to introduce ourselves and outline what we wanted to work on. I got carried away with mine, so I’ve decided to expand my remarks into a treatise.
I have been involved in domain name disputes since 1994…
ICANN Semi-Annual Registrar Contractual Complaince Report
From ICANN Semi-Annual registrar contractual compliance report: 4290 enforcement compliance and breached contract notices, ten registrars had their accreditation terminated, and eight were unable to renew their accreditation.
ICANN Contractual Compliance Report 24dec09 En
My Interview On CNN International re Domain Names
With the World Series a close second, my interview on CNN International regarding domain names was certainly the most compelling television last night.