LOGORAMA, animated film composed of “corporate art” and logos. Background here.
But Is It Art?
Speedy Graphito
Variations of Logos
Maybe the most remarkable early piece is an image of a bulgingly muscular Superman painted in a roiling Expressionist style. Part of a series of canvases from 1949 to 1952 that were based on cartoon characters, it is a curious anticipation of Pop Art, a road not taken for Mr. Pearlstein.
Things I Saw During Lunch, con’t
Monstrous Hello Kitty terrorizing lobby of Lever House, Park Avenue, NYC.
How Sanrio, owner of Hello Kitty property, feels about this, discussed here.
Creative Piracy: The Paintings of Russell Connor
43(B)log: Creative Piracy: The Paintings of Russell Connor:
Russell Connor makes paintings based on artistically significant paintings, both within copyright and without. He juxtaposes Goya and Manet, Renoir and Gaugin (“By joining the two worlds, my painting represents the familiar phenomenon of older, or less “civilized,” cultures seeking to survive by displaying their picturesqueness
Trademark Art
A cloaca is an orifice in reptiles, birds and other animals, and the name of this website.
Cause of Action Barbie: Handcrafted Jewelry Made Out Of Barbies
Margaux Lange handcrafted jewlery, neither sponsored nor authorized by Mattel.
“Grand Criticism” Series
Trademark Art
Edward Ruscha, “Large Trademark With Eight Spotlights,” 1962.