Allan Zelnick died yesterday at the age of 82. Now there’s one fewer person who understands what the term ‘Lemon Treed’ means. Allan is on the short list of people to whom I owe my career. I quote him a lot, usually unknowingly. I will always remember that the Koppers Oil Tanker case stands for the proposition that people can confuse very big expensive things (because he told me that often).
In June 1994, Fross Zelnick (then Weiss Dawid), had its 25th anniversary celebration. Allan, a lifelong Rangers fan, had tickets for the Stanley Cup finals. He intended to leave early, and several partners were unhappy with his priorities. He replied that the firm would have other important anniversaries, but the Rangers might never be in another Cup final. Rather than sneak out quietly, when it was time to go to the game, he stood up, faced the room, raised his fist and shouted “Go Rangers!”
Allan, I salute you and say “Potvin Sucks!”