I use DISQUS software to manage the comments that appear at the bottom of individual posts. Today I noticed a new feature – links entitled ‘Also on The Trademark Blog’ and ‘Recommended For You.’ Disqus indicates that these links “help you find new and interesting content, discussions and products. Some sponsors and ecommerce sites may pay us for these recommendations and links. Learn more or give us feedback.” On one hand, Disqus is a useful service that I don’t pay for, so I don’t begrudge them monetizing the product. On the other hand, I’m fairly certain that they didn’t ask me my permission to do this (maybe they sent an email, who knows, but I certainly haven’t opted in). Now, I have never, in ten years, sold advertising space or agreed to paid (or unpaid) link exchanges. The only money I get from the Blog is the $20 I receive monthly from a certain famous trademark practice to not print bad news about them. If I don’t object to this, I can still say that I don’t sell advertising but there would an asterisk. Should I worry about more important stuff?