I started the Trademark Blog ten years ago today. I was inspired by Bret Fausett’s ICANN blog and Prof Froomkin’s ICANN WATCH. Dave Winer had created software called Radio Userland that made blogging easy. Nathan Hoover set the thing up for me. At some point SpryNewMedia began providing hosting.

When reviewing some of the posts from ten years ago, I am struck by how many external links are no longer working – a reminder of the evanescence of the Internets.

There are 2,756 followers of the @Trademarkblog Twitter micro-blog. Documents made available through the Blog have been read approximately 900,000 times. A 2003 post about Yao Ming has been the most viewed post over the past month. Go figure.

There have been 4,573 posts published on the Blog. If your attorney had read all 4,573 posts, then they would be reasonably informed about trademark developments over the past ten years. If they had written all 4,573 posts* then they would be me (*with the exception of the three posts written by my dog, Ollie, pictured above).