This from the ‘about’ page of LEGOWORKSHOP.COM:
Welcome to legoworkshop! My name is Gavin. My brother Grayson (age11) and I (age 15) and are running this website for the fun of being able to show the world our creations. I attend Middle College for high school. Middle College is a program where you can enroll in a state college to attend high school. Less than 40 kids are accepted each year at each college with hundreds being turned away. We have to do a project that we start on in 10th grade and work on through 12th grade that is part of our graduation requirements. My brother Grayson, who is in 5th grade, is doing this site with me. I am not affiliated with LEGO in any way nor is this site. My brother and I simply love their products and want to feature the things we’ve built and show how to build some of the things that we’ve built.
I just found out that LEGO Group, the company that my brother and I love, is trying to take this site away from us. So by saving it I Have had to rush and get pictures of the model so I had built so far and get the website running. Please contact Sandra Looft who represents LEGO Group at and ask them to stop bullying two kids who are merely trying to promote their product. It is clear that our site is not owned or supported by LEGO Group which by my understanding means we are not infringing on their trademark.
Lego filed a UDRP. There seems to be a dispute whether the site ever ran ‘sponsored links’ however the panel found that there was no commercial use at the time it rendered its decision, and rejected the complaint.