Stoller has now filed more extension requests than Barry Bonds’ and Babe Ruth’ combined home run total. One applicant moved the TTAB to revoke the extension and the Board denied the motion, ruling that an extension as of right is an extension as of right.
TTABlog suggests a procedural step – make only the first 30 days free – charge a fee from then on.
My reaction – the issue isn’t 1500 extension requests – the Board is right, an extension as of right is an extension as of right. The issue is the mailing of 1500 letters using, imho, extortion-like language – asking for $10,000 based on allegations of common law usage of, by now, 1500 different marks (which happen to be confusingly similar to marks all of which were published over the last four months). And I would have to speculate that someone, sooner or later, will send him money.
It isn’t an issue for the TTAB – it’s an issue for the FBI.