Viacom lost its appeal of the SPIKE TV case before the Appellate Division of NY State Supreme Court yesterday. Viacom alleges that it has wasted $17 million in promotional expenses as a result of the injunction. Two reactions: first, I wouldn’t be thinking about Spike TV at all if it weren’t for this case. Second, Spike Lee’s name is now inextricably linked with that of SPIKE TV.
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First comment in: Anonymous of Southern Westchester writes in to say that there are 189 registrations or pending applications on the US registry containing the element SPIKE.
Anonymous writes: This will turn out not to be the Summer of Spike after the NY COA does the right thing.
Anonymous writes: Spike Jonze is a better director.
An anonymous elevator in a mid-town Manhattan skyscraper notes through the Captivate Elevator network that its poll suggests that 78% of respondents don’t believe that plaintiff has a meritorious case (although looking at the questions asked I’m not sure this is an admisable survey). This is the first time I’ve ever cited an elevator on this blog.
TV Guide, via The Business Lawyer, says that Spike Lee is vain to think that the network is about him.
An anonymous famous trademark lawyer notes that the reported $500,000 bond is a tad short of the reported $17 million Viacom claims to have lsot as result of this ‘misunderstandng.’