Some unknown number of you are reading the Blog using aggregators and may or may not have visited the Website itself.  If not, you are missing out on nifty features we have used to decorate the from-the-factory Userland template. 

Starting from the lower left, above the Creative Commons license, is a link to ccTLD reference information.

Above that is the Domain Dossier, which allows you to input a string and returns whois data for the major gTLDs (warning – this tool requires patience during U.S. business hours).

Then there is the recently repaired International Trademark Metasearch, a free tool that allows you to search  trademark registries in 11 major jurisdictions (including the CTM and Madrid).

The contact button allows you to contact me and retain my firm for your domestic and international trademark, copyright and domain name needs.

The instant message button allows you to instant message me, assuming I’m at that computer at the time (the button says “I’m Online” when what it means is: “this computer is on.”).

Going to the right side of the frame, we see the calendar, which should probably be labeled “browse archives by date.”

And finally, we see the recently repaired Google tool, which allows you to search the Blog’s archives.

Thanks, enjoy your visit.