Verisign, which still encourages broad ccTLD filing programs as a form of brand protection, and also offers to renew brand owners’ existing portfolios for them, has not renewed NETSOL.CO.UK. (Verisign purchased and re-named Network Solutions, and still maintains The new owner has a sense of humor. Thanks to Volokh for this.
If you enter VERISIGN.COM as a search term in its whois, Verisign’s namespinner software will indicate that “”Other Names You Might Want” are VERISIGN.TV and VERISIGN.BZ (.BZ is Belize’s country code and Verisign started managing that domain around the time NEulevel was trotting out .BIZ). Interesting that the names are available. Perhaps Verisign doesn’t really believe buying lots of ccTLDs you don’t want is necessary. It is tempting to register VERISIGN.BZ, point it to the blog, and in defense to the demand letter, say “Well, it was your idea.”
Disclosure: I spent about 15 minutes as GC of a Registrar which pushed huge ccTLD filing programs and was subsequently purchased by Verisign.