Oregonian coverage here.
Info Law comments here.
One colleague’s reaction: “Yikes!”
Excellent pre-trial discussion by 43(B)log, including discussion of use of opinion by trademark counsel to negate willfulness here.
Is $305 million the largest US Trademark Verdict Ever?
By Marty Schwimmer on
Posted in Damages
Pfizer/Trovan was $143m (initially) after trial, maybe 12 years ago. I can’t remember anything that has come close since until this. Adidas was just awarded $305 million against the operator of the Payless store chain, for a three stripe infringement. That’s more than $100m per stripe. If you’re aware of a higher damages award in…
Come On, He Had To Have Heard of Tyler Green
By Marty Schwimmer on
Posted in Damages
Cogito Ergo Teneo: Lawyers for Tyler Green, former Philadelphia Phillie and owner of Tyler Green Sports, sues registrant and owner of TylerGreenSports.com, and fails to prove defendant’s behavior, including testlfying that he had never heard of Tyler Green, was exceptional.