I will be one of the speakers at Thomson Compumark’s IP Law Educational Forum: “Trademark Law and The Internet.” IT will be May 22, 9 AM, at Thomson Compumark’s offices on Fifth Avenue.
Trademark Law and the Internet is a big topic. It could include:
Domain name policing
International domain names
Search engine keywords
Personal jurisdiction
Policing counterfeits
Intermediary liability (i.e. eBay)
User Generated Content Issues (MySpace)
What would be useful stuff for me to talk about? Email me at marty at schwimmerlegal dot com.
UPDATE: An anonymous colleague writes that the only thing people want to discuss at the conferences he goes to is keyword advertising. True?
UPDATE 2: A different anonymous colleage writes that keywords have been done to death and that I should discuss domain-tasting. Modifying that slightly, how about a discussion of the minefield that is registrar-delete, redemption grace period and sunrise periods and that fun stuff?
UPDATE 3: I should point out that Thomson will make available a podcast of the May 22, therefore, even if you live south of 14th Street or north of 57th Street and can’t make it, you could still email me a question/issue, and hear it discussed. 98 people have signed up so far and I hope to tap into the collective wisdom in the room.