OK, Springfield Wildcats vs. Shelbyville Wildcats is a gag from The Simpsons, but, as is always the case with The Simpsons, there is a profound truth hinted at here, involving the coexistence of scholastic team names.
The Des Moines Register tells us of a dispute between the University of Wisconsin and the Waukee High School, over the use of a W logo. A couple of years ago I was interviewed by a collegiate licensing magazine and I said many brilliant things about how the Internet and regional sports cable channels, as well as more aggressive scholastic licensing programs, were upsetting the delicate balance that allowed college and high school teams to coexist with similar names without confusion. I have located the article which ran none of that good stuff but merely went with my commonplace quotes (pick a good trademark – great advice).
I can’t remember exactly what I said so I will defer to Madisonian.net for its own proposed rule for college/high school dispute resolution. And btw, their Badger Badger Badger title is a reference to a cartoon as well.